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Myles Reynolds

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My Story

Born into a family with a strong artistic heritage, I've been immersed in the world of art since childhood. My grandmother hand-painted Royal Doulton pottery, my great uncle (the Chief of Police in Madras) was an accomplished painter, and my mother, a fine art graduate, was also a skilled artist. I began painting and drawing before I could walk, submitting my first work to Blue Peter at age 4, which was shown on TV. My mother encouraged me to explore various art forms, while my father nurtured my interest in photography and music.


Throughout my youth, I visited numerous art galleries in the UK and France, developing my personal style through these diverse influences. I always aspired to become an accomplished artist. My rural English upbringing gave way to urban artistic exposure when I moved to Brighton to study fine art from 2021 to 2024. This move introduced me to the world of urban art and graffiti, expanding my artistic horizons.


Painting is an essential part of my life, serving as a journey of self-discovery and an exploration of human emotions. My work examines the complexity of identity in an ever-changing world. In the vulnerable space of creativity, I feel most liberated, able to peel back layers of my psyche and break free from conformity.


My creative process begins with an exploration of memories and emotions, aiming to capture life within paintings, often set in unusual contexts. I use figurative elements in theatrical compositions, employing gestural brushstrokes and muted hues to express human emotion. Every piece questions the nature of identity and self-presentation, reflecting on life's uncertainties and social expectations.


The passing of my mother has significantly impacted my work, influencing my interpretation of mood and life experiences. My paintings serve as a reminder that true strength lies in embracing our vulnerabilities and honouring the complexities of our minds. Through my art, I strive to capture energy through figurative gestures and symbolism, creating emotive scenes that resonate with viewers and explore the depths of the human psyche.


Please feel free to message me via email or instagram.

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